Greater Longevity, Greater Efficiency
Industrial Services Made to Measure
Even the most reliable process technologies and components require regular maintenance. Our employees are here to support you not just during general service work but also in all matters relating to the individual optimisation of your plants in order to find the best solution for you – resulting in greater plant availability and greater process efficiency, lower running costs thanks to optimised operating methods, as well as measures to ease the burden on the environment so that industrial plants fulfil environmental regulations.
Modernisations – for Better Performance and for a Better Environment
The simple and quick modernisation of boilers that are capable of greater performance and higher throughputs is a particular focus of our work. A priority during this process is maintaining existing emission levels or lowering them even further in line with environmental regulations and customers’ wishes. In order to meet high environmental protection requirements all over the world, Oschatz Global has specialised in the modernisation of older plants (e.g. steelworks) by replacing furnace components with models which hold greater quantities of gas.
Our Services
Together with the Christof Industries Industrial Services Units, we provide professional services, including maintenance, checks, inspections, analyses, evaluations, and the modernisation of boilers, boiler parts, cooling stacks, columns, tanks, vessels, heat exchangers, filter units, static and rotating machinery such as vents, compressors, pumps, appliances, gas turbines, blowers, gears, generators, etc.