Specialists for Complexity
Technological Masterclass
The goal we set ourselves is to develop for our customers the best industrial plant solutions that the market has to offer – be these turn-key projects or complex custom facilities. Christof Industries Engineering Teams’ international connections ensure that our superior solutions integrate the latest technologies. As we are a provider of a 360° range of services, it is standard practice for our project teams to draw upon in-house knowledge covering the entire life cycle of our plants – from design and fabrication through to commissioning and upkeep. This provides the basis for continual improvements to existing solutions.
Unique Know-how
Our engineering expertise is characterised by the know-how gleaned from the successful implementation of more than 4,500 plant projects across the globe. Whether we are designing complete facilities or just individual elements – such as pipelines and steelworks, process technology, mechanical or electrical components – we offer our customers bespoke solutions that combine the highest possible levels of profitability with savings in time and costs.
Solutions that Look to the Future
Revolutionary solutions require new approaches. This is why we invest in research and development, patented in-house processes, and cooperation with leading technology providers. By analysing the latest market developments – e.g., using big data – we develop solutions that predict future technologies and economic conditions.